and this is about homeless animal, especially pet. This is dedicated to my home cat, MuiMui or Prince who are growing happily and healthy at my home now.
I wrote a complain to SPCA, Selangor regarding their service, i should done this long time ago and i just remember now.
The message contain like this:
"This is Prince/MuiMui, my house cat. The reason why i posted my cat here b'cause it was taken from SPCA.
A year ago, MuiMui was saved by my bf from chased by stray dog. I cant pet MuiMui before b'cause i'm busy with my study & my bf sent him to SPCA.
I was shocked SPCA member told my bf if nobody take MuiMui home,HE WILL BE PUT TO SLEEP (KILL). MuiMui is healthy cat & just need a home.
I felt this is not fair for him & i decided to take him home back tomorrow. SPCA CHARGED me for taking him back.
This is cruelty. I Wonder, is this fate for animals saved in SPCA Malaysia? WILL BE KILL if nobody adopt them? Its just cruelty if you asked me. Who are you, a GOD? to take someone life when there's no place for them?
You should rather open a adoption fair or do campaign for pet adoption than put their lives to sleep if no space for them in SPCA, i heard even cat and dog is keep in 1 cage together! D:<
Hope you consider.
This is SPCA, Selangor FB page where i posted my pet's picture:
Click Here
Now you can see why I'm so angry. PEOPLE doesn't take animal life seriously! Hit and run.. hit for fun till them huge wound, bleeding and dying slowly!
Why they can't help those animal by sending them to proper places such as animal clinic, animal shelter?!
Is animal's life is not worth as human life?!
This is a facebook page of a good animal shelter that helps stray animal which need badly attention. Please take a look how noble are them!
Homeless & Orphan Pets Exists (H.O.P.E)
As i remember for past 2 years ago, i had a pet cat which i saved from road side, i love him so much. His name is Tomoi. He kind naughty before.. keep poo-ing everywhere and loud. (ahahaha..)
He's in my memory now. I lost him. One day, i went back to hometown. I keep Tomoi on my rent house nearby my study place. I asked my housemate to take care him while I'm gone.
I prepared enough cat food and water and litter. I gone for just 2 days and when i get back home. He's gone. I look everywhere nearby. He just lost.
I asked my housemates where is him, they dont know. I saw Tomoi food is still full and not being touched. I thought he gone on the day i leave.
I scare Tomoi was thrown out by my housemate ( I really cant trust them) or Tomoi just run away.
It's really sad. I wish Tomoi the best and wherever he is now, may he be safe and happy.
As a conclusion, i have a message to you all and please spread it,

Omo!! jahat ny buat cam 2.. eee.. better 4 me i got a lot of cats n still can adopt.. Klw servis jaga kuching pn i bole hehe.. cian kitty muimui.. anywy tomoi is cute :)
ReplyDeleteYea :/ Diorang balas terpaksa buat macam tu sebab tiap2 hari ramai orang buang kucing and anjing.
ReplyDeleteBilangan bertambah sampai xde tempat nk simpan.
Tomoi/Prince memang cute :X and ada personaliti sendiri xD