Miko (not actual name), borned in 1989, also known as Miko Nyan or Miko Hon3y3a3y among my works. I live in Selangor, Malaysia. I have Bachelor's (Hons) degree holder in Graphic Design & Multimedia. Currently, I'm working in private company which mainly on social media business.

However, my interest is towards illustration, especially characters design. I tend to not mix my passion with my work because I don't like the restriction and having the pressure of doing something I love through deadline. It takes the fun away.

My hobbies include drawing, listening to music, singing, dancing, playing electronic games (computer / console / mobile / arcade) and collect dolls / plushies / figurines).

Why Miko Wall blog created?

This is where I considered  my personal space where I could write my thought about everything and share to public what interesting things I encounter in my life. It's just my life slice stories and anyone is welcome to share the experience.

As a Ball-Jointed Doll Collector

I started this hobby since August 2013 when my first doll, Chiyo, arrived. I've been stalk these doll since I attende local comic-anime-cosplay convention called Comic Fiesta in 2010. There were booth owners who display their dolls and since then, I gain my interest to posses one. I'm building my BJD family and they are my aesthetic subject of photography.

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